Role & Responsibilities
Team Managers
As a volunteer, a manager (often a parent with an understandable personal interest in their children and their team) gives a great deal of time and organizational effort to the team’s success. The better organized a team manager is, the smoother a youth team functions, and less burden is felt by the team’s coaches.
The position requires organizational skills, patience, a positive attitude, the ability to communicate clearly when things get stressful, the capacity to delegate responsibility and creating a positive team atmosphere for parents. A competent team manager can help.
- It is important that the Team Manager support the coach by directing all questions concerning player selection, player positions and playing time to the coach.
- Keep the team organized and running smoothly by communicating practice information and game schedules through our soccer system. It is important that the Team Manager works with parents to ensure that player availability is kept up to date for all games and practices.
- Keep the “pulse” on the team and parents by listening and passing concerns on to the coach.
- Maintain all records and information relevant to game play (e.g. player cards laminated, recording game scores, etc.).
- Work closely with the Club Registrar to register players and collect paperwork as needed.
- Report game scores to the designated BCCSL game score resource.
What’s Involved
Volunteers that would like to become a Team Manager.
Volunteer positions that are seasonal will be offered the $65 volunteer reimbursement fee.

2). Let VAFC know of your Appointment.
Once you have agreed to become a Team Manager of a team please let VAFC know. Contact Caroline Daniels @ Registrar@vafc.ca.
VAFC Volunteer Information
Volunteers are the reason for VAFC’s success.
VAFC’s success as a soccer club for over 2,900 youth members is based on the generous volunteer efforts of our membership.
Where Do I Register to Volunteer?
As part of the registration process you are able to select one one of the many volunteer positions currently available in the drop down menu. As we progress through the preseason and season, you will be contacted for an opportunity to volunteer for that role. Another way to show your interest is to fill out our online ‘Volunteer’s Needed’ form. Thanks!
Be sure to keep an eye out for other volunteer opportunities as they arise. We will be posting new roles on this page and communicating them via email.
Volunteer Reimbursement Fee
For the 2024–25 fall/winter season all registrations will include the $65 volunteer fee. VAFC will be reimbursing those team officials (coaches, assistant coaches and team managers) their $65 volunteer fee as a show of appreciation. Board Members, Club Coordinators will also have their volunteer fee reimbursed.
Teams will be limited to one head coach, two assistant coaches and one team manager that can qualify to have their volunteer fee reimbursed. The volunteer fee reimbursement is conditional on all volunteers having a valid criminal record check. This will align VAFC with most other youth soccer clubs in the Lower Mainland, as well as youth sports leagues, who are already including a volunteer buyout.
The Volunteer Fee will be reimbursed in the Fall (November) once we have a confirmed list of (Team Officials) volunteers. This is to eliminate any issues with coupon codes and who is to receive them. It also ensures a more equitable volunteer system that reimburses members that donate their time to our players and Club as a whole.
Seasonal Commitment
Only those volunteer positions that are seasonal will be offered the $65 volunteer reimbursement fee. Members that volunteer for an event that is one day or over a weekend, will not receive an reimbursement. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
Volunteer positions that are seasonal:
– Board of Directors
– Team Head Coach
– Team Assistant Coach
– Team Manager
There are other positions that may not be listed that are seasonal. If you want to volunteer for a position and you don’t see it on the list let me know and I will be able to tell you if it qualifies for the $65 reimbursement. Contact George Mrsic Email
How to Register Free for a CRC.
Thank you for volunteering with VAFC for the Fall / Winter 2024-2025 Soccer Season.
You are receiving this note as either we do not have a criminal record check on file for you or that your criminal record check is due to expire before the season ends and needs an update. Please be advised that your Criminal Record Check is required to volunteer with VAFC. As an official (Coach/Assistant or Manager) you are required to complete a CRC as anyone who works with children needs to be cleared.
Could you please complete the online Criminal Record Check by clicking the link below:
You will be asked to enter an access code during this process which identifies VAFC as the club you are registering with, please use the code provided below:
You may be asked to print the document and send it in, please print , sign and scan it and send to this email address and we will also need to be sent an email with a copy of your ID to do the validation and then I will send these all on to the ministry of Justice, if you prefer not to send your ID via email please let me know and we can meet.
You may be asked to come and do fingerprinting, you will need to go to your local police station to do this.To prevent a charge of $25 please contact me advising you have been asked to complete fingerprinting and I will write a letter from the Club advising that we are a non profit organization and you are a volunteer.
Once you have completed your application please send a copy of your service number to me. This needs to be completed as soon as possible so that we can get you working with the teams assigned to you.
Should you have any questions please let me know.
Kind Regards,
Administration Team
Email Contact
Volunteer Head Coaches Needed
VAFC pays for all coaches certifications
With over 220 + teams VAFC is always on the lookout for quality role models wanting to give back on the field. All CSA certifications are provided at no cost to the coaches that give up their time to make our players better.
sign up today