Youth Leadership Program

Youth Coach : Leadership Council

VAFC’s Youth Leadership program provides an opportunity for players to grow their leadership skills both on and off the field, while giving back to their soccer community. The program builds on VAFC’s commitment to player development— not only on the field but in the community.

Youth Leadership Program

Open to U16 – U18 Players

VAFC’s Youth Leadership program provides an opportunity for players to grow their leadership skills in a multitude of initiatives. The program builds on VAFC’s commitment to player development— not only on the field, but also in the community.

Launched in 2018-19 season, the Youth Leadership program includes the existing Youth Referee program, as well as the new offering of a Youth Leadership Council, Youth Assistant Coach program, and Player Scholarship.

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Youth Coaches

Open to U16 – U18 Players

VAFC wants to reach out to the talented players on the U16 – U18 teams providing them with an exciting opportunity to make a positive impact in out soccer community. 

A ‘Youth Coach’ is a productive way to earn community service hours while being a role model for younger players.  VAFC believes the passion for the game and your skills on the field make you the perfect candidate(s) to inspire and support our younger players while also supporting our current volunteer, parent coaches.


Player Scholarships

Open to all U18 (2006) Players

Each year VAFC offers a player graduating from high school a scholarship to recognize her or his leadership and community contributions.

VAFC Scholarship Information: CLICK HERE

The application for the 2023/2024 season is now open and will remain open until March 31st, 2024.

Scholarship and application detailS

Youth Referees

Small Sided – Entry Level

The minimum age to become a Referee is 12 years old in the current year, as a Small Sided Referee, or 14 years old in the current year as an Entry Level Referee.

For those who are 12 years of age or older in the current year and are interested in officiating Small Sided soccer, the first step is to enroll and complete a Small Sided Referee Clinic.  

For those who are 14 years of age or older in the current year and are interested in officiating full-field soccer, enroll and complete an Entry Level Referee Clinic.

Learn More

Youth Leadership Council

Join the Youth Leadership Council to represent youth to the VAFC Board of Directors and Head Coaching staff. The Council consists of teens in grades 11 and 12; and is supported by an adult sponsor.

* Lead community initiatives, e.g. Cleat Drive.
* Represent the Club in our community, e.g. presentations & outreach
* Work closely with other players in your age group.

Applications will open soon. Keep an eye out for an email or contact for more information.