Why become a VAFC Coach?
Coach Clinics Provided Free
VAFC is always looking for positive role models to coach at all levels, House level (U5-U10), 8-aside (U11-U13), and Divisional (U14-U18) age groups. Whether you have previous coaching experience or are just starting out and are hoping to give back to your community we have a coaching spot for you.
In order to be the best instructor, role model and mentor to the players of VAFC we feel that coaches also need to be supported and guided through their own development and progress through the Canada Soccer Coach Education Pathway.
The club will provide required training and support as the coach moves through and develops within the VAFC club and ensure that all coaches have completed the required course per age & level that they are to coach.
Coaches with previous experience and background in divisional and higher are also welcome as they work on their coaching licensing and progress.
Please take the time to complete and submit the coaching application. All coach applications will be reviewed by our technical staff and new volunteers will be placed in the most appropriate coaching position based on their experience to support their success.
Certification Coaching Process & Resources
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Coach Pathway

Certifications & Clinics
See Above
Canada Soccer strongly encourages all coaches to complete ongoing coach education modules as part of the coaching pathway and professional development.
COach CertificationsVolunteer Coaches
Want to Coach – Sign Up!
VAFC is in looking for positive role models that would like to offer their time and commitment helping teams from U6 – U18.
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