Heat Wave Weather Warning

heatwave thremometer

Heat Wave Weather Warning

Metro Vancouver is in for a heat wave over the next few days. If you are training your team, or even training on your own during this hot weather please be safe and stay hydrated. Frequent breaks for cooling and hydration will be essential. BC Soccer has Extreme Heat Guidelines and VAFC will be following these guildeline during all scheduled sessions.

These guidelines include; when the temperature is:

30C to 34C – Moderate risk of overheating; Athletes should be monitored – Games should inlclude drink breaks every 30 minutes

35C to 39C – High risk of overheating; Athletes should be monitored closely – Games: consider reduced game length, re-schedule kick-off, or cancellation

We aren’t expecting 40C + here on the coast, but the guidelines recommend that all actvies be cancelled at 40C +.

Before training this weekend please review the complete  BC Soccer Extreme Heat Guidelines for more informaion on heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

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