House League Schedule Changes

House League Schedule Changes

Your house league team may be experiencing some unexpected weekly changes to the game schedules.

When players play at U8-U10 they play something called “VYSA interlock”, in which all teams can play other teams within Vancouver Youth Soccer Association (VYSA).

Vancouver Athletic FC does not produce the schedules for each of the teams in the VYSA interlock—a volunteer scheduler within VYSA completes the task. It’s normal for changes to be made on a regular basis due to field closures or other reasons out of VAFC’s control.

The schedule changes should start to settle down by this point (mid-October), but be aware that changes may continue throughout the season.

VYSA is looking to improve the situation for future seasons where possible, and we are providing feedback to them on a regular basis.

We apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused to our members and officials.

If there are issues with your team’s new schedule, please let your team manager know ASAP so that he/she can correspond with the Age Group Coordinator, who will go through the proper channels. Thank you.

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